Cinema Audio Conforming in the Cloud unlocks the power of cinema by introducing three ground-breaking concepts: mix-extraction, analysis, and cinematic-remapping

With, we've developed technology, packaged within a professional cloud service, that is built from the confluence of extensive scientific research and decades of specialist experience in motion-picture content-creation, distribution, and exhibition. analyses final audio mixes identifying compatibility issues that negatively impact the playback experience in cinemas solving any issues quickly and accurately to produce a cinema version conformed to relevant industry standards and optimised to preserve the original creative intent when experienced in the challenging but rewarding cinema environment.

Constrains loudness not dynamics analyses the perceived loudness — and, in full compliance with the standardised Leq(m) metric of ISO 21727:2016, adapts the mix intelligently to comply with client-specified input-dependent maxima.

Conforms to industry norms also offers compliance to recommended loudness maxima from TASA (Trailer Audio Standards Association) and to both the 2000 and 2014 recommendations from SAWA (Global Cinema Advertising Association).

Spatial stereo integrity

With, the original stereo intent is faithfully reproduced across the wide cinema audience seating area through highly sophisticated proprietary techniques that extract and analyse millions of artistic decisions, which are otherwise baked into the stereo mix, and remap those to the greater capabilities and nuanced challenges of the standardised 5.1 cinema environment.

Techno-artistic checks makes a number of miscellaneous health checks, including: Low Frequency Extension (LFE) bandwidth, missing channels, start / end silence, synchronisation pops; and, if necessary, conforms the final output sample rate, bit depth, and modulation to the standards required for a Digital Cinema Distribution Master (DCDM).

Respectful intervention

Fully conformed 5.1 masters submitted to will be left untouched. only intervenes when it determines that it is beneficial to do so. The ultimate aim is to preserve and deliver the original artistic intent with the highest possible integrity within the wider cinema show and across the widest cinema audience seating area.

Valuable communication emails its clients on the completion of each job and creates a report in both PDF and XML formats of what was delivered to, what was done, and what was delivered back to the client. The XML reports help integrate within clients' wider automated workflows.

Fast and available

The process takes minutes but utilises highly sophisticated and CPU-intensive audio signal processing algorithms and workflow logic hosted securely in the cloud. No significant client-side software or hardware investment is required and there is no waiting for studio time.

Secure integration

Our recommended and most popular integration is with IBM® Aspera® on Cloud, which provides an encrypted and trusted secure channel to in the cloud. Alternatively, we can connect to a client-hosted sFTP (FTP over Secure Shell) server. IBM® and Aspera® are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.

Principal applications is being used by a growing community of professionals. Key applications are in the conformance of made-for-TV-films, cinema advertising, event cinema, cinema policy content-items; and during the post-production of motion-pictures as a tool to optimise stereo original music or stereo sound effects for cinema.

Cost-effective payment models

For the occasional user, is offered under a pay-as-you-go model; for the frequent and regular user, long-term deals are available depending upon work-load and type.

A bit about us

The company

Julian Pinn Ltd is a company with a mission to advance the art, science, technology, and business of cinema as the world’s most premium entertainment experience.

The company was founded in 2013 initially as a consultancy business that quickly obtained a rich and highly valued variety of clients from across the wider motion-picture and related entertainment and media industries. The company's consultancy services included technology strategy and international business development, marketing and innovation, strategic partnership and project-management, global network outreach and influence, technology advice, and conference planning leadership.

Building on the wealth of experience gained by its initial consultancy phase, the company now focusses excluisively on the provision of automated cloud services under the name 4cine®.

55 Loudoun Road
St John’s Wood
United Kingdom

Registered in England and Wales No. 08616595
VAT No. GB167 2674 81

The founder

Julian Pinn has three decades of experience in the global motion-picture industry as an audio and imaging specialist consulting on hundreds of international movies over their techno-artistic optimization of the cinema medium. He is also a respected senior business development and sales & marketing executive with extensive international experience.

Julian is a standards-member and fellow of SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers), the past-Chair of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards committee TC36 for cinematography, the past-Chair of BSI (British Standards Institution) standards committee CPW36 for cinematography, is a full voting member of BAFTA (the British Academy of Film and Television Arts), sits on the board of directors for the EDCF (European Digital Cinema Forum), and is a member of the Audio Engineering Society, Chairing its Technical Committee - Audio for Cinema.

Julian holds an Honours degree in Music and Sound Recording from the University of Surrey’s Tonmeister programme specializing in music performance and an award-winning technical project over the design and realisation of minimum-phase loudspeaker monitors. He also holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Open University specializing in international marketing and global finance.

Getting in touch

To sign up, to request an evaluation, or to discuss your needs further, please call directly on either +44 20 7993 0094 or +44 7785 954220.

Privacy Policy

Keeping your data safe

At Julian Pinn Ltd, we are committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure and handling it within our legal obligations. This Privacy Policy sets out how we process your personal data, what data we collect, with whom we share it, what rights you have in relation to your data, and everything else we think it is important for you to know.

Who we are

Julian Pinn Ltd is a limited company registered in England (UK) with registered office at 17 Sarsen Close, Swindon, SN1 4LA, Wiltshire and registration number 8616595. Julian Pinn Ltd provides various consultancy services and the audio technological cloud-based services of This Privacy Policy explains how we use any personal data when you use this website.

What data we collect about you when you use

We collect personal data directly from you when you register to create an account to use our services, whether as an Account Administrator or an Account Authorised User. This data includes:

- your name;

- your email address;

- your telephone number;

- the name of your organisation;

- the address of your organisation;

- your position within your organisation;

- your password; and

- your level of account authority / privilege.

We collect data about how you use as a user. This includes:

- your language preferences;

- your latest time-zone offset according to how your browser reports your device’s local time;

- your latest IP address only whilst signed in and mid-session changes to your IP address;

- browser type and version only whilst signed in and mid-session changes to your browser type and version;

- the last business account to which you signed in;

- your last and previous log-in date stamp; and

- whether or not you are currently signed in and your session screen-lock status.

We also collect data that you voluntarily provide to us when you contact us in order for us to respond to your enquiries, and comments requested from us in relation to 4cine services.


We do not use cookies; we do not store or read cookies on your local device.

Most browsers offer you functionality to examine which cookies are stored against each website.

You will never see any cookie from Cookies are small files that are installed on your browser, on your computer, or on your mobile device by some websites that allow such websites, amongst other things, to recognize your device, store your preferences, and to collect statistical data.

How we use your personal data

This section sets out the different purposes for which we process personal data and which personal data we need for each purpose:

- Managing your account and providing you with our services: we use your personal data to manage and administer your account, to authorise you to log you in to your organisation's account, and to provide your organisation with the 4cine services that you order from us. This may include, for example, to contact you with service messages or in relation to content that you have submitted.

- Personalise your visits to our website: this may include language preference, your device’s local time, etc.

- For security purposes: we use your personal data to enable us to detect or prevent fraud, to safeguard your organisation's Account from unauthorised access, to address security or technical issues, and to comply with any applicable law, regulation, or legal process.

- For auditing and conflict resolution: this may include contacting users in connection with inappropriate use of 4cine products and services, non-compliance with any Terms and Conditions of use, or in connection with a complaint filed by any other party.

- To enable us respond to your enquiries: we use the personal data you provide voluntarily to enable us to respond to and deal appropriately with queries that you may have.

With whom do we share your personal data

We will not share your personal data for marketing purposes with companies outside of Julian Pinn Ltd.

We will share your personal data with third parties where we are required by law to do so or to protect or to enforce our rights or in some circumstances the rights of any third party.

We do not transfer or store your personal details outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

For how long do we keep your data

We will keep your personal data for as long as your organisation's account, for the provision of the service of 4cine, is open.

We will not keep your personal data for longer than we need, after which period your personal data will be erased.

We may need to keep your personal data after the closure of your organisation's account and the cessation of our services to you (usually for around six years) for limited purposes, for example if we need your personal data in order to respond to any complaints or claims that you make. In this case, we will keep your personal data for as long as we need to fulfil those purposes. Any personal data you provide us voluntarily when you contact us with your queries will be retained for a period of two years from your submission after which it will be erased.

Your rights

You can access all of your personal data through your account.

You have the right to request a copy of the data that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal data, please contact us using any of the methods listed below in the section: How to contact us.

We want to make sure that your personal data is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove data you think is inaccurate.

You can ask us to erase your personal data. In certain circumstances, however, we may need to keep certain personal data for limited purposes, for example if we need your personal data to deal with any complaint or any claims arising from the provision of our services to you.

Change to our Privacy Policy

We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24 May 2018.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any question about our privacy policy or data we hold about you by email ( or; by post (17 Sarsen Close Swindon SN1 4LA Wiltshire, UK); or by telephone (+44 20 7993 0094 or +44 7785 954220).

Business details

Your details as account administrator





latest sign-in:


local time offset:


previous sign-in:


language preference:


first authenticated:



account number:


your authority:


business name:


business address:






special charges from:




account administrators:




Screen locked


period from:


period to:


quantity and speed:





turnaround time (maximum):


turnaround time (mean):


turnaround time (minimum):


content-item-minutes per workflow-type:

DCDM Analysis:


DCDM Conform:


 - report only (subtotal):


 - no spatial remap (subtotal):


 - with spatial remap (subtotal):


QC Pass-Fail:





level (maximum):


level (mean):





level (maximum):


level (mean):


Work records




Google Drive





